19 Willett St
Fort Plain, NY 13339
East meets West at the Fort Plain Free Library
as facilitator Sally Taylor conducts a free workshop for adults
on candlewicking and the traditional Japanese needlecraft known as Sashiko.
Sashiko, a Japanese needlework tradition, was originally used to bond layers of hemp together for warmth and for patching. Candlewicking, a uniquely American needlework tradition, stemmed from a woman’s need to create while using materials on hand — in this case, cotton candlewick thread and muslin.
Those participating in the class will be introduced to both traditions.They will also have an opportunity for hands-on learning.
All materials and refreshments will be provided. Because seating is limited, advance registration and a $5 registration fee are required.
The fee is refundable only to those students present for the class.
Call 518-993-4646 for more information.